Saturday, May 6, 2017

Almost 4 months

From letting us know that a "favor" was the climax to a whole other world of the story, to the actual favor------- evolved or known very least.  All has been gravity waves in action, read, our truth comes that way.

The New Yorkers clamored

for the finance specialists roles.  Many were already "seasoned" as they say, ranch talk.

Coal warned Rusty

Named for his jet black hair, now white, Ruth's father told him that Ruth wanted him to stay on as long as possible.  "Don't get catched by that woman, unless you want to".  Rusty laughed at his directness.  He talked about his wife who had passed ten years before.  "We were married for fifty some years and she was like Ruth (or Coal), fast forward and direct!"

The day to day routine

for the remainder of Spring and then Summer beginning in June, they would have the ranch.  Fall classes would be ongoing support and prosperous until winter when Rusty planned to leave.  By then Ruth felt that she may have an Eselene like conference center as well as a working ranch.  Her passion was beginning right away.

With Rusty by her side

she called to order the first meeting.  They would be working the herd she told the experienced hands and the inexperienced.  Ruth outlined what a typical day would be like, hard work and relaxation both.  She wanted the farm run well and asked for some finance specialists to help her.  Everyone would work together and change off for variety yet to focus on one's passion was also part of her plan.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

the poolside bar

The outdoor pool was not open for swimming but the bar was at the Downtown Sheraton in Dallas where the gala was held.  The mens group was in hunt for a cave.  Once upon a time, the ranch was near the Oklahoma border with Texas.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

They were ecstatic...

Rusty was willing for 6 months to run the ranch and to train a foreman as he went.  There would be a large crowd now following him for the Mens group with a few women too.  He was glad to do it and looking forward to the big lands of Texas.  He would be near enough to a big city and travel whenever for book talks and signings.  Mostly he missed the Land.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Rusty catches on to the favor

Ruth and "Dad" want him to run the ranch outside of Dallas for a year while they concentrate on the races for "Star".  Ruth says, "The mens group could have a western home in none other than Texas.  If they want to learn ranch handling there would be a plenty".

Monday, May 1, 2017

Father of Ruth,

he wanted to speak to Rusty regarding her.  She was so difficult speaking about herself at all yet she seemed completely different around Rusty.